

COUPLES therapy

Couples Therapy

We all know romantic relationships are hard work. Like cars, they require regular maintenance to keep them running well. If there is a problem, it’s best to have it repaired right away to avoid further complications down the road.Often we can do some of the basic maintenance and repairs ourselves. Other times, despite our best efforts, we need to rely on a professional to take a look and give us a hand.

What Is Couples Therapy?

Couples therapy is a type of psychotherapy in which a therapist with clinical experience working with couples, helps two people involved in a romantic relationship gain insight into their relationship, resolve conflict and improve relationship satisfaction utilizing a variety of therapeutic interventions. Although the practice of couples therapy may vary depending on the therapist’s theoretical orientation, all couples therapy tends to involve the following general elements:

  • 1. A focus on a specific problem (i.e. sexual difficulties, Internet addiction, jealousy)
  • 2. Active participation on the part of the therapist in treating the relationship itself, rather than each individual separately.
  • 3. Solution-focused, change-oriented interventions early on in treatment.
  • 4. A clear establishment of treatment objectives